me & love & the world

" your smile will always be within my deepest soul. thou shan't remember the bad .. but embrace my good.. your smile will never leave my heart and I will always be there if you need to. i love you "

Monday, October 16, 2006

dream dream dream.. i want you

since the age of four, i have not had a nightmare before.. it was so long and i was so young that can't even remember that nightmare .. what i remember was it was scary and i woke up, frightening.

and well, that was then ... several years back.

nowadays .. all i had was normal dream .. normal beginning normal ending .. most of them i can't remember anymore. But recently, i had some funny dream. i won't say its kinda sweet nor its bad.

but .. well, i don't know. probably, i think too much ..

people used to say .. what you think of in the day, most likely you would dream of it in the night .. but how true is it?

maybe you would think of something everyday and everytime then you probably would dreamt of it.

eh .. well, is it?

maybe to a certain extent and maybe its true after all !

and it was all in last week's nap ..

in a shopping centre, there ain't alot of people, i think i'm in my tees and jeans, and i'm alone. i forgot where was i already, but i remember i was looking at some clothings

and then something familiar caught the corner of my eye ..

two girl .. walking

she was in a black tee, with collar, i think .. and she was wearing brown pants with a strap of dark brown along the lenght of the pants .. dark brown contrasting with a lighter brown.

on the right, she carried a sling bag, the checker bag .. again with dark and light brown little squares .. and on her left hand, i remember it was a laptop bag ..

i looked up and caught her in full view.

her hair wasn't tied, it was a little wavy and it curl a little towards the end .. and as she turned her face ... her hair bounced a little.

that laughter was almost identical and somehow familiar .. that smile of hers seems to match perfectly well with what i have deep down in my memory bank.

that big round eyes, which speaks .. that eyes which sparkles .. and that little round nose ..

there are no two way about it

i'm right ..

there you are ..

and silly me, i tried to hide behind a mannequin .. and try to catch another glimpse, because i was afraid she might see me.

and that was the stupidest and lamest thing i can ever do. although i never quite understand why i did that but it was like a second natural thing to do..


then as she walked further .. further ..

i can't see you anymore.

well, this is one of the many times, different places and different scenerios which i have dreamt .. but for this time, i can actually remember it so well .. its quite amazing huh .. hahaha!!

but a dream is always a dream .. and reality is reality .. although it may seem like a thin fine line seperating it.

but we all know, it's not this way .. the distance is greater than a thin fine line.

well, sad to say .. sometimes this is the method which i can feel i'm close to and where i can see and i can hear her..

and maybe one day, dreams do come true too..

but everyone knows.

what are the chances ..



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