Ode to Bryan
I don't come from a rich family. I don't travel in cars, I don' t enjoy cuisines and I'm also not being pampered by maids neither while growing up, I played with very simple toys, no big fancy electronic control cars, in fact very little toys.
Mummy and daddy would quarrel every now and then, over financial issues. I can't remember all, but it happens many times when I was young; I still have some of those memories intact and preserved in a little corner of my mind.
I moved house 4-5 times during my childhood days - according to my mother. I also don't live in big houses. We stayed at relative's place and it is only untill when I was 4 or 5yrs old, then we finally get to settle down in a no room flat which we call home, then we moved again 1year later. It is our permanent residential ever since till now.
Grandma is my nanny and I loved her alot (Grandma is 85yrs old now). When daddy and mummy are working. Grandma would take care of me and my younger brother. She'll cooked for us, feed us and chased us all over the house, just to put food in our mouths. But it is only when I was in my primary school days, when I studied social studies then I had my decent conversation with grandma about the good old village days, and she would tell me stories or rather bed-time stories, which I remember them dearly till now and she is still repeating her stories when i visited her.
Mummy and daddy are not well educated, and they never really bought me books other than school's textbook; but reading is my no.1 hobby and my first love. Growing up, with no toys or little toys and I'm also not a very active kid neither, so I read. My cousin had 3 sets of encyclopedia, which are my "best childhood friend".
I can spell Tyrannosaurus Rex when I am 6yrs old and I know that rectum is the so-called anal, I also memorized the solar system by heart; Although now scientist has proven that Pluto is not a planet but a dwarf star.
So now at 27yrs old, reading still remains my no.1 love. The library is still my favourite haunt, while I would gladly exchange clubbing and pubbing for MPH, Times, Kinokuniya, PageOne and Borders anytime.
But I assure you, I'm not a GEEK!
Despite all the luxuries I'm deprived of, I appreciated and treasure my family. A nice place called home which I can harbored and seek refuge when the outside gets tough, the warmth and loved which they gave unconditionally - I cannot ask for more.
At Yr 2004, I have a niece and she is 6yrs old this year. We loved and pampered her alot. She's our pride and joy. Pretty like her mother, street-smart like her father and I hope clever and intelligent like her uncle - ME! Yeah~
She'll be intelligent and beautiful - both! I hope. :)
Alright, enough of history.
Along these years, I've met many people and made many many friends. Some remained while some have left. Well, that's life - inevitable that people will come and go. I'll remember people who I know and have left and I'll treasure the good friends who stayed.
I'm 27yrs old and till God knows when I'll leave this world, but it's really a pleasure meeting all the people who came and go, be it for good or bad. Hopefully, we'll met again.
Now for the future ...
I'm happy for my friends, most are married with kids, some are getting married, while some are pursuing other interest in life.
* B.F Wei Kiat; I'm waiting eagerly for your kid!!!
People asked me many times, why I don't have a girlfriend. Honestly, even I also don't have the answer. It is a question that is probably harder than the hardest maths question which I've ever solved and probably just like mathematics - there could be no answer.
I have a colleague. She is a 60+yr old auntie, tertiary educated and single. She is a retiree and living on government pension!!!! She is cash rich, lived in a big private detached house and drives a saloon car AND she is and well traveled.
She asked me that question, and I posed it back to her, she replied: Thinking back she do have some regrets, and she admitted she's choosy back then. But it's okay, she's comfortable with life now, owns 3 rabbits and 2 cats, leading a very enjoyable retiree life. Occasionally singing karaoke with the old folks in the community center.
So .. isn't it good be a rich bachelor?
As I am blogging, Thailand is in the midst of a political turmoil, world has just recovered from a near financial disaster 2yrs ago and our dear government are now pro-FT a.k.a foreign talent. Even if I am a PhD holder and earning high income but unfortunately I'm not one. I do fear for the future.
Uncertainty looms.
Anything, even a war can happen anytime - which did! 9yrs ago.
Well, something about meloveworld,
This blog existed because of a failed relationship 5yrs back, and I wanted to document the feelings and the things which I've seen. Looking back and fast forward now, a young chap who is arrogant, ignorant and immature, I think I've grown up and I see things in many lights now.
Sometimes, I do feel envious of people who have a child-hood sweetheart, because I don't. But then, that's fated - faced it.
Fate is fair, just like life. Some have and some don't, the equation is balanced.
Here, I've also documented about some girls which also came and went. But it's okay, only the good will stay and I'm probably not good enough.
And now If I were to ask myself what ultimate goals I have - I would want to see the world.
I used to have this beautiful picture of holding someone's hand and see the world but I can't see that happening, so I'll have to do it myself. It's perfectly fine. Because it is like all my books coming into real life! I'm excited.
To the exotic places and visiting historical sites, appreciating the natives and understanding their history through my own eyes. I think this is what I need to "complete" me.
Although people see me as a very jovial and happy guy, but in fact I'm shy and a introvert. I'm not a "crowd" person, I like my own personal space, enjoying a nice quiet moment. This is the real me.
This is the first time, I'm writing something about me and I don't know when is the next time I'll write something about myself again. I just hope that years down the road, when I read back, I'll give a little smile at myself and admire at how things have changed ever since.
Lastly, for all the moments that have happened to me, I have treasured and I appreciated that. I will always remember and never forget.
I don't know what will happen next but I will try to keep being positive. But just don't ask me about love. Thanks!
Cheers people~
11 April 2010 - Ode to Bryan.
" The dark seas are rough, but I sail alone
Amid angry waves and thundering roars, I row
The shores are right ahead but I've seen none
Battered and exhausted but I persevered
For hope is my engine and love is what keeps me on
I yearn for none, but the morning light
At first light of dawn the gold ray shone
Seeing the waving hands at far ahead shore
Is one, that would glad dying for.
At 1:26 AM ,
Teresa Ang said...
woah. felt it, deep inside.
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