boy really love girl
mmm .. ok .. well, im not against our local female .. neither am i going to criticize and condemn our local girls .. NO.
its just my point of view from .. well, a local boy.. plain, simple and naive boy .. made in Singapore!
when we were young .. shy .. whenever we come close contact with the sweet looking girl, you know in primary school .. and boys would always do stupid things to attract her attention. in the canteen .. purposely buy what she buys .. sit opposite of her .. then when she's sitting with her friend .. purposely the boy would run here run there .. one glance would make the boy's day.
then .. come sec sch .. the bad boys would come in .. teach you a trick or two .. how to woo this girl .. and there's where .. the simple boy would turn complicated .. all the sex sex .. boobs boobs .. pretty girl thing all come in. then every pretty girl would look like a sex siren to him.
and there's where all the BGR happens .. first crush .. first hold hand .. first hug .. first boyfriend .. first girlfriend. and who can ever forget that .. yes. remember your first kiss?
good or bad .. its your first kiss ... the day where you discover love .. not parental love
but ..
love between a boy and a girl.
of course .. things are definitely not just 100% pure and innocent .. w
well .. thats bullshit.
in comes .. backstabbing .. 3rd party .. fights over bf or gf, and yes yes .. lets be real honest. SEX
most people basically become non-virgin .. in sec sch days..
and when we .. boys .. turn to men .. is neither smooth sailing too.
NS .. girlfriend run away.
You work .. the girlfriend find someone better ..
You work hard .. slog hard for a better future.. she complain no time to acc her.
You try to be a good man .. you're no fun no excitment.
You want to commit .. she dont
You low educational level .. well, its a matter of time something happen
You lack of ambition .. no future
You full of ambition .. you talk too much
main reason? .. ir-reconcilable differences. simply put 性格不合.
standard reason?
we wonder why people from venus would treat guys this way?
is it materialistic or practical? why the sudden jump of character and thinking? during school days its lovey dovey .. when time comes they go out to the society .. touch & feel money .. see lots of people .. then "WAH LAH!"
sometimes its really hard to be a good man .. on one hand girls want a man to have a successful career .. a solid future, and on the other hand .. girls dont seem to be satisfied, why dont girls think of the sacrifices we made?
maybe girls say .. they like to diversify .. got more better choice the better! can spread the risk mah. at least they wont crumble so bad when they find out this guy is not the right choice .. OH! i say .. clever risk management. smart!! indeed!
well, maybe to a certain extent.
think of it .. if people done their homework dilligently .. just spend a little time to communicate and understand one another more .. focus and concentrate on just one, the only one. well, diversify really doesnt make any more sense .. isnt it??
girls want a 70% good guy + 30% jerk.
yes .. it promise them excitment fun .. but when this guy sees a future .. and he goes devoted to this girl .. how to maintain this equation?
then worst still. girls want the best of both worlds .. they dont want to miss out the fun! and thats where all the problem lies..
its something like a car ride ..
this car can bring a girl to her destination safe and sound .. no worries .. or whatsoever.
but some girls like the exciting way .. they prefer a sports car .. travelling at high speed.. cornering at 100km/hr .. OH Yes! it sure is exciting, isnt it. if they dont like this car .. they're free to change to another car, how bout 3, 5 or 10 times? they can change as much cars as they like! change until they reach their destination.
isnt this is what life's all about? choices! fun & excitment!! you live for the moment!!
but how long can it last? looking at the other girl happily .. enjoying the smooth ride .. no worries... well-taken care off.. throughout the whole journey.
while the other girl? well, maybe some people like to change cars.. but wait a minute isnt this something like a "any-rider" scenerio?
think of it .. this may be a 10 year scenerio or more.. we will grow old one day. who likes a lonely life? who wants to live only for this moment and regret later?
who dont want a companion to age with? i mean .. honestly speaking!
well, of course .. not all local girls are like this. definitely! i have faith in our girls.
but, do appreciate what your "he" do for you. provided he's really "THE" guy, of cos!
cos being a s'porean guy is not easy.
well, honestly .. i really dont want we, local guy to be flipping through the photo album some day down the road.
we still need genuine stuff! not hybrid products. if local girls dont love local man. then who will love us?
or maybe we like to be invaded? as history is going to prove us correct again??
At 8:33 PM ,
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